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AOC Calls for Wealth Tax As Billionaires Flee NYC

The following 6 minute video notes that Governor Cuomo is not in agreement with AOC over taxing the fleeing billionaires upon whom NYC is so dependent.

Cuomo has offered to host any returning billionaire to a home-cooked meal…but he has not comprehended the big picture: these people are fleeing because they have the resources to move out of a war-torn, ill-managed city before they are harmed by the rampant crime….

If Cuomo would rescind the new bail reform act that lets criminals out without bail the same day they are booked for a crime, then perhaps the remaining police (those not eliminated by De Blasio’s budget reallocations) could hold back the tsunami of crime that is overflowing the streets of NYC.

If you do not know about Cuomo’s bail reform, see the second video below.



The Bail reform bill that ties the hands of NYC police and puts law-abiding citizens in harm’s way is explained by Hannity at the 4 minute mark of the following video.

He describes how a bank robber was able to rob 4 banks in one evening because he was booked and released without bail each time.

Imagine, that you were a policeman in NYC, trying to free the streets of violent criminals, and the system that employed you, let out each criminal without bail just after you spent time wrestling with him, cuffing him and bringing him to the precinct, and booking him for a crime against the laws of the state of NY.

How long would it take you to become totally discouraged?

In that scenario, one could not imagine safe and peaceful streets.

It is no wonder that wealthy citizens are fleeing.



For similar video posts, see, categories: Progressive Govt. / Socialism / Communism; Propaganda Exposed; Social Justice / Identity Politics.

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