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American Gospel, Christ Alone: Overview of Documentary

In the following 6 minute video, vlogger, Polite Leader provided an overview of the documentary. I had never heard of this film, and so was pleased to learn about it from his review.

The film uses critiques by Paul Washer, Justin Peters, Michael Horton, Costi Hinn, Ray Comfort and so on, regarding the prosperity gospel. They also explain the biblical gospel.

Apparently there is a free one-hour version on YouTube.



The young male and female YouTubers in the above video were relying on opinions and social consensus to argue for Todd White; they certainly were not relying upon facts from the Bible or serious Bible study.

Opinions about the things of God aren’t worth much. One needs to get facts from his or her own Bible study.

Check out Polite Leader’s YouTube site for many more such videos; there is no link between this video and his site.

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