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AGENDA Weekly Brief Week of May 8-14 – By Curtis Bowers

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AGENDA Weekly Brief

Week of May 8-14

Dear Friend,

God is on His throne and continues to pour out abundant life and blessings upon us. May we always praise Him for a glorious sunset, a delicious meal with those we love, songs and hymns that uplift the heart, and the vast array of colors and creatures and flowers. The gift of fellowship and the simple abundance of each season can easily be lost in the news and concerns of our time. May we always take time to appreciate and enjoy what is right in front of us, with Philipians 4 in mind: “Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”

1. PRO ABORTION PROTESTORS TURN VIOLENT: Justice Thomas Alito and his family were taken to a secure location following threats of violence. The National File reports, “A bullet was fired through a window of the Virginia Attorney General’s Office after Republican AG Jason Miyares threatened stiff legal consequences against the pro-abortion radicals planning and executing attacks on churches should they follow through with attack plans in Virginia. Uniting under names like ‘Ruth Sent Us,’ far-left, pro-abortion radicals have threatened and carried out attacks on churches and pro-life groups across the country in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s Roe leak. In one instance, the offices of a pro-life Wisconsin non profit were even fire bombed.” The Post Millennial reports that a group calling itself, “‘Jane’s Revenge’ has both claimed responsibility for a Molotov Cocktail attack against a pro-life organization in Madison, Wisconsin, and vowed to continue acts of violence.” For more, see FULL LIST: Pro-abortion vandalism, church storming over possibility Roe v. Wade will fall.

Justice Clarence Thomas warned that as a society, “We are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don’t like.” Thomas added, “We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that.”

2. PSAKI DEFENDS INTIMIDATION OF JUSTICES: Correspondent Peter Doocy asked Press Secretary Jen Psaki, “Activists posted a map with the home addresses of the Supreme Court justices. Is that kind of thing this president wants?” Psaki responded, “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest.” Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot urged a “call to arms” for the LGBTQ+ community.

3. DEMOCRATS ATTEMPT TO CRUSH ABORTION RESTRICTIONS: Every Democrat Senator except for Joe Manchin voted to not only codify Roe v. Wade but also crush “state laws, partial-birth abortion bans, safety regulations, abortion limits, conscience rights, parents’ rights, and faith-based hospitals.”

4. 500,000 GERMANS MAY HAVE SERIOUS VACCINE INJURIES: Researchers from Germany’s top hospital, Charité Berlin, have announced a high rate of serious Covid vaccine injuries (8 per 1,000 vaccinated people). This contrasts with the 0.2 per 1,000 stated by Germany’s official vaccine watchdog. The researchers believe that 500,000 Germans have serious injuries. The Children’s Health Defense comments, “This story is huge. It is akin to researchers at Harvard Medical School coming forward and announcing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was undercounting the serious adverse event rate by a factor of 40, that vaccine injury is real, the vaccine-injured need to be taken seriously and treated, and that doctors need to be able to voice their opinions openly without fear of retribution so treatments for the vaccine-injured can be developed.”

Prudential Financial, the largest insurer in the United States, has just ended its Covid vaccine requirement. Alex Berenson comments, “Sounds like Prudential doesn’t see much benefit in mRNA vaccines for Covid. But what would they know? They’re only the largest American health and life insurance company by assets (second by policies written). Not like they have a lot of data to check…” After receiving a Covid-19 vaccine, a previously healthy gorilla unexpectedly died of “multiple organ failure.”

FDA officials now says that Covid-19, along with seasonal Covid-19 vaccination, will be “part of the new normal.” Further, The FDA announced that Covid vaccines for kids under six don’t have to meet the 50% efficacy standard normally required for Emergency Use Authorization.

5. ENERGY CRISIS AND THE GREEN AGENDA: The Wall Street Journal reports, “Natural-gas prices in Europe shot higher Thursday, a day after Russia unveiled a set of sanctions on energy companies operating on the Continent that could further threaten supply…Dutch gas futures, the benchmark in northwestern Europe, jumped 18% Thursday, while gas prices in the U.K. gained 34% and German power prices leapt 15%.”

In the United States, power grid operators are warning of potential electricity shortages this summer. One analyst believes that America’s vital supply of diesel is “on the verge of catastrophic collapse, leading to halting of food, fertilizer, coal, and energy.”

The World Economic Forum says that today’s energy crisis presents “an opportunity to supercharge the energy transition by ramping up clean energy investments and reshaping industrial and end consumer energy consumption.”

6. FOOD CRISIS AND THE FAKE FOOD AGENDA: David Beasley, head of the U.N. World Food Programme, warns that “Millions of people around the world will die” if Ukraine’s Black Sea ports are not reopened. Ukrainian officials and farmers claim that Russia has stolen vast stores of grain, exporting it back to Russia. Reuters reports, “Ukraine war fuels food crisis in distant Africa.” The head of U.K. supermarket giant Tesco says that Brits are facing “real food poverty for the first time in a generation.”

Water levels are becoming “critically low” in the American West. While American parents struggle with a national shortage of baby formula, the Biden Administration has sent pallets of baby formula to detained illegal immigrants.

Ed. Note: In 2013, an article appeared in Time Magazine entitled, “Fight World Hunger by Eating Bugs.” As announced in the Queens’ Speech, the U.K. equivalent of the U.S. State of the Union, the United Kingdom plans to loosen restrictions on GMOs and introduce gene-edited food. For more, see “Genetically Edited” Food – The Next Stage of the Great Reset?

7. PREPPING NO LONGER A CONSPIRACY THEORY IN GERMANY: In 2021, some German preppers were slandered as “conspiracy theorists,” while in 2019, they were derided as “neo-Nazis.” Not anymore. Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is encouraging Germans to stock up and take survivalist precautions. Fraser said, “Think, for example, of cyber attacks on critical infrastructure. If the power goes out for a longer period of time or daily life is restricted in some other way, then it definitely makes sense to have an emergency supply at home.”

8. REPORT: 90% OF COUNTRIES EXPLORING CBDCS: The Bank of International Settlements, also dubbed “the bank for central bankers,” has released a new report which finds that “Nine out of 10 central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), and more than half are now developing them or running concrete experiments.” Covid-19, climate change, and Ukraine are three excuses being used to promote CBDCS. Kit Knightly observes, “Interestingly, while CBDCs are being talked about more and more, there is one specific feature of them which is being talked about less and less: Programmability.” Countries experimenting with CBDCs include Ukraine and Russia, the U.S. and China, Britain and the E.U.

Ed. Note: Central Bank Digital Currencies are a dangerous assault on liberty and must be stopped. If implemented, they would allow any government to silence and defund all opposition, as Justin Trudeau did to the Canadian truckers. Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Tom Emmer have proposed a bill that would prohibit the U.S. Federal Reserve from offering a Central Bank Digital Currency. Using cash whenever possible is one of the best ways to combat CBDCs.

9. FOLLOW THE MONEY – FAUCI AND ABRAMS: Open the Books found that an estimated $350 million in royalty payments have gone to Dr. Anthony Fauci and hundreds of other NIH scientists between 2010 and 2020. Fauci received 23 royalty payments over the 10-year period, while Francis Collins received 14. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) commented, “The NIH is a dark money pit. They covered up grants for gain of function research in Wuhan, so it is no surprise that they are now refusing to release critical data regarding allegations of millions in royalty fees paid to in-house scientists like Fauci.”

Stacey Abrams’s net worth skyrocketed from $109,000 in 2018 to $3.17 million in 2022, much of that following her investments in a company called Now Corp. George Soros has dumped $1 million into Abrams’s gubernatorial bid in Georgia.

10. ATTACKS ON FREEDOM OF SPEECH: “I have been telling Congress that misinformation is the leading cause of death,” said (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf, a former consultant for Big Pharma. CNBC reports that Bill Gates plans to launch a 3,000-person social media unit “to help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future.” Gates said that trusted community, political, and ethnic leaders need to promote “good messages.”

PayPal recently suspended accounts and confiscated funds from a number of Independent Media outlets, including Consortium News and MintPressNina Jankowicz, Biden’s new Minister of Truth, claimed that liberals and minorities, not conservatives, are the real ones being censored on social media. Unsurprisingly, Jankowicz has at least three close ties to billionaire globalist George Soros.

More than 100 advocacy groups, led by the Soros-funded Common Cause, sent a letter to the heads of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, and other social media companies urging swift action to blunt Trump’s “Big Lie” of voter fraud in the 2020 election, as the 2022 midterms approach.

11. WOULD-BE TYRANTS WARN THAT “DEMOCRACY” IS UNDER ATTACK: The 2022 midterms are about “the rise of authoritarianism within our own country” vs. “democracy,” says Hillary Clinton. Writing in the Washington Post, Max Boot of the Council on Foreign Relations opined, “We’re in danger of losing our democracy, but most Americans are in denial.”

In her commencement remarks at Tennessee State University, Kamala Harris warned that because of potential overturning of Roe, the “rights of all Americans are at risk.” Harris said, “If the right to privacy is weakened, every person could face a future in which the government can potentially interfere in the personal decisions you make about your life. This is the time to fight for women and for our country with everything we have.”

Ed. Note: Saul Alinsky once advised, “Accuse your opponent of what you are doing.”

12. WASHINGTON POST SAYS GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY MUST BE RENAMED: “George Washington University needs a new name,” said the opinion piece. Daniel Greenfield comments, “This reminds me of the time when Columbus, Ohio canceled Columbus Day with the urging of the Columbus Dispatch.” According to the opinion article, “The racist visions of James Madison, Winston Churchill, and others are glorified through building names, programs, statues and libraries that honor their memory. The controversial Winston Churchill Library must go. The university’s contentious colonial moniker must go. Even the university’s name, mascot, and motto — ‘Hail Thee George Washington’ — must be replaced. The hypocrisy of G.W. in not addressing these issues is an example of how black voices and black grievances go ignored and highlights the importance of strong black leadership.”

A group of professors and researchers have identified “racist” names that they say must be replaced in 960 places within 16 of America’s 62 national parks. They claim these names promote “white supremacy,” “racism,” “settler colonialism” or “anti-Indigenous ideologies.”

13. THE TRANSGENDER CHILD ABUSE AGENDA: The U.K. Mail on Sunday reports, “A leading clinical psychologist with 16 years experience in child mental health says more than half of her patients now identify as transgender. The expert, who wants to remain anonymous out of fear of professional repercussions, saw a sudden rise in the number of youngsters claiming to be ‘trans’ after the coronavirus lockdowns.”

“She is currently seeing a dozen families and has helped almost 40 over the past year but has never before encountered so many young patients identifying as trans. In many cases, she said, youngsters now coming to see her with mental anguish or suicidal thoughts had been allowed to transition from one gender to another at a young age, sometimes even at five or six…The clinician warned that parents had been ‘sold a lie’ that allowing their children to live at a young age as the opposite gender to their birth sex was not a psychological risk.”

Target has introduced “chester binders” and “packing underwear” for transgender shoppers. Taco Bell has joined the fray with a new “Drag Brunch Tour.” In 2016, the NBA canceled a game in Charlotte, North Carolina, over the state’s ban on transgender bathrooms. The NBA recently announced that two of its teams will hold preseason games in Abu Dhabi, where homosexuality is punishable by death.

14. CHRISTIAN LEADERS SOUND THE ALARM: In a recent article, Franklin Graham, head of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, warned that “progressive Christianity” can “send a person to hell.” Graham observed that many leftist churches neglect the “fundamental issue of God’s justice – how a holy and just God deals with sinful and wicked men.” Further, those progressive churches fail to “see the ruinous consequences of mankind’s depraved, sinful state. Biblical teaching on the precious blood of Christ, the sacrificial, substitutionary, atoning work of Christ’s death on the cross, is too often neglected or distorted.”

Missionary Andrew Brunson, who himself was imprisoned for two years by the Turkish government, believes that most American believers are not ready to face persecution. Brunson writes, “I think two wedge issues will drive persecution. First, the exclusivity of Jesus in salvation—that Jesus is the only way to God. Second, that Jesus demands obedience from His followers in a number of areas that are hotly contested in our culture, such as sexual morality, gender identity, marriage, family, life, and Biblical justice.”


  • President Joe Biden used Cinco de Mayo as an opportunity to call for a “pathway to citizenship” (amnesty) for illegals living in the U.S.
  • The Epoch Times reports, “Wikipedia editors deleted a page for Republican U.S. Senate candidate Kathy Barnette after arguing she is not a notable person.”
  • WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus claimed that “access to safe abortion saves lives.”
  • Mark Middleton, a former Bill Clinton advisor who helped cement Clinton’s relationship with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, has died at age 59.
  • The Satanic Temple has asked to fly its flag over Boston’s City Hall after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a group that had been prohibited from flying the Christian flag.
  • The Department of Justice has established an “Office of Environmental Justice” to “oversee and help guide the Justice Department’s wide-ranging environmental justice efforts.”
  • Reclaim the Net reports, “The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) tracked people’s movements during the pandemic without their knowledge, including trips to pharmacies and liquor stores. BlueDot, an intelligence analysis company, prepared movement reports for PHAC using anonymized data acquired from mobile devices. The reports helped the public health agency understand movement patterns during the pandemic.”
  • While Tucker Carlson did intervew True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht, Fox News has largely boycotted Dinesh D’Souza’s new film, 2,000 Mules.


1. DESANTIS SIGNS BILL MAKING NOVEMBER 7 “VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM DAY”: At the bill’s signing, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis stressed his desire to “honor the more than 100 million people who have fallen victim to communist regimes across the world.”

DeSantis continued, “We want to make sure that every year folks in Florida, but particularly our students, will learn about the evils of communism, the dictators that have led communist regimes, and the hundreds of millions of individuals who suffered and continue to suffer under the weight of this discredited ideology…There are a lot of people out there who will promote things like socialism and communism, but I think one of the things we saw is a lot of people who don’t really know that much about what communism is meant in practice and continues to mean in different parts of the world.”

2. INDIA SUPREME COURT STRIKES DOWN VACCINE MANDATES: India TV reports, “The Supreme Court on Monday [May 2] said that no person can be forced to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and directed the Central government to make public adverse effects of vaccination. Justices L. Nageswara Rao and B.R. Gavai said bodily autonomy and integrity are protected under Article 21 of the Constitution. The top court said the current COVID-19 vaccine policy cannot be said to be manifestly arbitrary and unreasonable.”

3. CANADIAN TRUCKERS RELEASING NEW DOCUMENTARY: From the Press Release: “Crossing ten provinces and three territories; thousands of trucks traversed the highways and by-ways of Canada’s northern climes in this exclusive documentary offering an immersive look into an extraordinary moment in Canadian history…The directors blend interviews and live footage, journaling unbiased truths intrinsically viewed through a camera lens. They expose the raw emotion and purpose of those who felt compelled to embark on a journey fraught with both joy and sorrow.”

4. VICTORY IN TEXAS: The Christian Post reports, “School board candidates opposed to critical race theory won nearly every election in the largest counties in Texas.” Texas Governor Greg Abbott tweeted, “Parents are more involved and active in school elections and school policies than ever before…The power of parents will continue to expand in Texas.”

5. DESANTIS PROTECTS FAMILIES: In a recent interview, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that he supports banning body mutilating “sex change operations” for children. DeSantis signed a $1.2 billion tax relief bill, “the largest tax relief in the history of the state of Florida,” designed to help Florida families fight “Biden-flation headwinds.”

6. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE WILL REMAIN ON BALLOT: Left-wing activists funded by George Soros have failed in their campaign to remove U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene from the ballot. Green responded, “Democrats have seen how hard I fight for America First values with Republicans in the minority, so they are absolutely terrified to see me with the power of the majority.”

7. HISPANIC VOTERS TURNING ON BIDEN: The Epoch Times reports, “The support of Hispanic voters at the midterms later this year could prove to be ‘extremely instrumental’ in turning the tide of liberal policies of the current administration, a conservative Hispanic group says. According to a Quinnipiac University poll published in April, only 26 percent of Hispanic survey participants approved of President Joe Biden’s job performance. This marks the lowest approval rating of any demographic group.”

8. 20 ATTORNEY GENERALS OPPOSE BIDEN MINISTRY OF TRUTH: Fox News reports, “Republican-led states are threatening legal action against Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) new ‘Disinformation Governance Board,’ which they deem ‘un-American’ and chilling to the free speech of Americans.” Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares is leading the charge.

9. UNSURPRISINGLY, CUTTING SOCIAL MEDIA IS GOOD FOR HEALTH: According to Study Finds, “Doctors may soon be writing a very simple prescription to improve your mental health: ‘Get off social media!’ A new study finds avoiding social media platforms for just one week significantly improved a person’s well-being and also lowered levels of both anxiety and depression.”

10. TENNESSEE MAN TAKES RESPONSIBLE FOOD STEWARDSHIP: Tennessean Harvey Tallman decided to combat food inflation by growing his own vegetables, raising chickens, starting a beehive, and farming his own fish. Harvey said that he wants to be as self-sufficient as possible in case power goes out in the United States.

11. RAND PAUL WANTS LESS SPENDING, MORE TRANSPARENCY: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) singlehandedly delayed a vote on a $40 billion package to Ukraine that had passed 368-57 in the U.S. House. The bill will likely pass next week. The Senator commented, “No matter how sympathetic the cause, my oath of office is to the national security of the United States of America. We cannot save Ukraine by dooming the U.S. economy. Inflation doesn’t just come out of nowhere; it comes from deficit spending.”

Donald Trump Jr. tweeted, “Rand Paul simply wanted an inspector general to oversee how $40 billion of your taxpayer dollars are being spent in Ukraine, and the swamp went nuts. They don’t want transparency because it’s one giant kickback to their friends and Big War. I hope you’re awake & watching!”

12, 2,000 MULES MAKES OVER $1 MILLION IN 12 HOURS: The groundbreaking documentary on 2020 election fraud hauled in over $1 million on Rumble in just 12 hours after it became available to rent. “The success of ‘2000 Mules’ on Rumble is a great sign for creators who do not want to be silenced or censored for their speech,” said Dinesh D’Souza. “Supporting creative independence is core to our values, and we are thrilled to offer creators a new way to distribute and sell movies independently,” added Assaf Lev, president of Locals.



Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
Oh, what words I hear Him say!
Happy place! so near, so precious:
May it find me there each day!
Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
I would look upon the past,
For His love has been so gracious!
It has won my heart at last.

Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
Where can mortal be more blest?
There I lay my sins and sorrows,
And, when weary, find sweet rest.
Sitting at the feet of Jesus,
There I love to weep and pray,
While I from His fullness gather
Grace and comfort every day.

Bless me, O my Savior, bless me,
As I’m waiting at Thy feet!
Oh, look down in love upon me,
Let me see Thy face so sweet!
Give me, Lord, the mind of Jesus,
Keep me holy as He is.
May I prove I’ve been with Jesus,
Who is all my righteousness!

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