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AGENDA Weekly Brief Week of January 30 – February 5

The following blog was copied and pasted from my subscription to Agenda Weekly dot com, a publication created by Curtis Bowers:

AGENDA Weekly Brief

Week of January 30 – February 5

Dear Friend,

Psalm 60:12 says, “Through God we shall do valiantly: for He it is that shall tread down our enemies.” America’s Founding Fathers recognized God as the only sustainer of freedom, as they signed the Declaration with “a firm reliance on divine Providence.” As we seek to renew freedom, may we always do so in humbly submission to God, the Source of that freedom.

1. MODERNA COVID-19 VACCINE RECEIVES FULL APPROVAL: The FDA fully approved Moderna’s new Spikevax vaccine for all individuals over 18 years. Writing at The Defender, Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D., asks if the approval is another “Bait and Switch,” similar to the FDA’s August 2021 approval of Pfizer’s Cominarty vaccine. According to the FDA, Spikevax is interchangeable with the EUA vaccine but “legally distinct.” Like Pfizer’s Cominarty, Moderna’s Spikevax is not yet available.

Nevradakis comments, “There’s another reason Pfizer and Moderna don’t want their fully licensed vaccines to be available yet — they’re waiting for the vaccines to be authorized, then licensed, for children as young as six months old. Why? Because once a vaccine is fully licensed by the FDA, the only way its manufacturer can be shielded from legal liability is if the vaccine is added to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s childhood vaccination schedule.” The New York Times reports that Pfizer will soon ask the FDA to authorize its vaccine for children under 5 years of age. Both Pfizer and the FDA are asking a federal court to delay release of Covid vaccine safety data.

2. SPOTIFY AND AIRBNB THE LATEST FRONTS IN CENSORSHIP STEAMROLLER: A number of woke music artists and podcasters (including Neil Young, Joni, Mitchell, and Brené Brown) have pulled their content from Spotify, in protest to the streaming platform’s promotion of Joe Rogan. In response, Spotify said it will combat “misinformation” by adding content advisories to any podcast episode that includes information on Covid-19. While posing as a woke culture warrior, Neil Young seems not to have forgotten his own bottom line, as he promotes Spotify competitor Amazon Music.

Breitbart reports, “Conservative author and journalist Michelle Malkin and her husband were banned by Airbnb as “retaliation” for her engaging in free speech at a conference last November.”

Ed. Note: An excellent reminder of companies we should NOT support. When we fund the enemy, we are becoming part of the problem.

3. AMERICA’S NATIONAL DEBT TOPS $30 TRILLION: Financial analyst Adam Baratta comments, “At this point, most Americans realize that our national debt has exploded into ‘unpayable’ territory. At the same time, seeing a 3 [trillion dollar] handle on our national debt is getting attention. But don’t be surprised when we see a 4 handle within the next four years. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math. In 2001, our national debt was $5.7 trillion. Just twenty years later, it has reached $30 trillion. Our national debt has increased by an average of 52.5% every five years since 2001. This means that by the end of 2025, we can expect our national debt to exceed $40 trillion.”

4. 100 SHIPS EXACERBATE SUPPLY CHAIN CRISIS: Even the mainstream media cannot ignore America’s economic disruption. Around 100 cargo ships are waiting off the coast of California to unload billions of dollars of goods but have been delayed by what CNN calls a “massive worker shortage.” CNN notes, “As a result, prices at grocery stores and retailers are rising due to increased costs for labor, fuel, ingredients, packaging, and transportation.”

5. CHINA ACCELERATES DIGITAL DICTATORSHIP: Patricia Adams, executive director of Probe International, says it is highly likely that the Chinese Communist Party is collecting DNA from top American athletes at the Beijing Olympics.

The Washington Post reports that China is accelerating its surveillance for the Olympic games. The New York Times notes that Communist China has used “the health code” during Covid-19 to implement stricter surveillance and controls on its people: “The local authorities, working with tech companies, generate a user’s profile based on location, travel history, test results, and other health data. The code’s color — green, yellow or red — determines whether the holder is allowed into buildings or public spaces. Its use is enforced by legions of local officials with the power to quarantine residents or restrict their movements.”

Ed. Note: Both mainstream outlets fail to note that much of China’s technology initially came from the United States and that Marxists in the United States are using Covid-19 to implement a similar system in America. For the past 50 years, global elites have viewed China as the model for the world. In a 1973 article published in the New York Times (still available here), David Rockefeller wrote, “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.”

6. LIFE INSURANCE PAYOUTS UP 258% FOR DUTCH INSURER. ARE COVID VACCINES TO BLAME? Reuters reports, “Dutch insurer Aegon, which does two-thirds of its business in the United States, said its claims in the Americas in the third quarter were $111 million, up from $31 million a year earlier. U.S. insurers MetLife and Prudential Financial also said life insurance claims rose. South Africa’s Old Mutual used up more of its pandemic provisions to pay claims and reinsurer Munich Re raised its 2021 estimate of COVID-19 life and health claims to 600 million euros from 400 million.”

7. SHOCKING REVELATION FROM TWO FUNERAL HOME DIRECTORS: Richard Hirschman is a board-certified embalmer and funeral director. Hirschman said he’s been seeing “unnatural blood clot combinations with strange fibrous materials” in clogged arteries and the vascular system. “I don’t know how someone could live with something like this inside of them,” said Hirschman. “My gut tells me it’s caused by the vaccine. I can’t prove that, but if this is caused by the vaccine, just imagine how many people will die in the future.” Hirschman warned, “If this tissue ends up in your brain, you’ll have a stroke. If it gets in your heart, you’ll have a heart attack. People need to know this.” Hirschman said, “20-24 of the 35” deceased people he embalmed in January had these mysterious strings.

British funeral director John O’Looney said he’s seen a 500 or 600% increase in thrombosis deaths, including among vaccinated individuals in their 20s, 30s, and 40s.

8. DO COVID-19 VACCINES CONTAIN NANOTECHNOLOGY? The Daily Expose reports, “In June 2021 graphene was discovered in Covid’ vaccines’ by Spanish scientist Dr. Pablo Campra. Since then, graphene and nanotechnology has been found in Covid injections by doctors, scientists, and researchers in the United States of America, Poland, Germany, Austria, Chile, Argentina, and New Zealand.” Natural News reports, “Using various Bluetooth applications, Dr. Luis Miguel de Benito identified MAC addresses emanating from the bodies of people who took the jabs, suggesting that they now contain hidden microchips or transmitters that could be linked to a futuristic ‘Mark of the Beast.’”

9. WHO OPENED THE CAPITOL DOORS ON JANUARY 6? Jonathon Moseley, defense attorney for Kelly Meggs and other Oath Keepers members, argued that defendants could not have forced their way in through the Columbus Doors. Moseley wrote, “The outer doors cast from solid bronze would require a bazooka, an artillery shell, or C4 military-grade explosives to breach. That of course did not happen. You would sooner break into a bank vault than to break the bronze outer Columbus Doors.”

10. BIDEN HAS A NATIONAL GUN REGISTRY: The Washington Free Beacon reveals, “The Biden administration is in possession of nearly one billion records detailing American citizens’ firearm purchases, far more than Congress and the public has been aware of, according to new information from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.”

11. DESPERATE FASCISTS ATTEMPT TO SHUT DOWN TRUCKERS CONVOYS: Justin Trudeau accused freedom-loving Canadian truckers of “hate, abuse, and racism.” GoFundMe froze a fundraiser entitled “Freedom Convoy 2022” that had raised over $10 million to support the truckers. Information Liberation notes, “Facebook shut down the rapidly-growing Facebook page ‘Convoy to DC 2022’ on Tuesday night after the group amassed 139,000 followers. YouTube has censored livestreams of Canadian Trucker protests.

Ed. Notes: The only good coming out of the censorship is that we can clearly see who the enemy is. We need to STOP funding the enemy every way possible and financially support our allies instead!

12. GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS IMPLEMENT BLM WEEK OF ACTION: “Black Villages is the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other,” reads the school starter kit. “Globalism is our ability to see how we are impacted or privileged within the Black global family that exists across the world in different regions.”

13. IS A FINANCIAL CRASH IMMINENT? Ex-Wall Street insider Edward Dowd told Steve Bannon he believes we’re about to experience a global financial crash. Dowd said, “We’re going to see the credit markets become unhinged, the equity markets become unhinged. The Fed got a reprieve from covid, under the cover of Covid, to print 65% more money to keep this thing afloat, but we’re at the end days here.”


  • Apple has fully embraced the destructive and lunatic transgender agenda by introducing a “pregnant man” emoji and “pregnant person” to Apple iPhones with its iOS 15.4 update.
  • Canada will appoint a special representative to combat “Islamophobia.”
  • The Biden Administration is preparing to regulate Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in the name of “national security.”
  • The Washington “Redskins” NFL Football Team has rebranded as the “Washington Commanders” because the woke activists considered the previous name a “racial slur.”
  • Fox News reports, “Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., and other members of the far-left ‘Squad’ collectively spent over $325,000 on private security in 2021 despite promoting the ‘defund the police’ movement during the George Floyd unrest of 2020, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reviewed by Fox News Digital.
  • CNN President Jeff Zucker is the latest to resign from the far-left propaganda outlet, stepping down in the wake of a “consensual relationship” with CNN’s executive vice president that he failed to disclose when it began.
  • In the latest election integrity battle, Democrats are trying to persuade RINO Republicans to modify the 1887 Electoral Count Act (ECA).
  • U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg unveiled a “road safety plan” which proposes national speed cameras. Tucker Carlson commented, “You’re about to get a lot more speeding tickets from robots.”
  • George Soros is pumping $125 million into the November mid-term elections.
  • Senator Josh Hawley called out FBI Director Christopher Wray for repeatedly refusing “to acknowledge the FBI was wrong in failing to call the [Texas synagogue] attack what it was – terrorism directed against Jewish Americans.”
  • Illinois State Representative Deb Conroy has proposed a law that would “isolate or quarantine persons who are unable or unwilling to receive vaccines, medications, or other treatments.”
  • Reuters reports, “Pope Francis said on Friday that spreading fake news and disinformation on COVID-19 and vaccines, including by Catholic media, is a violation of human rights.”


1. MORE COUNTRIES BACK DOWN FROM TYRANNICAL COVID RESTRICTIONS AND VACCINE MANDATES: Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, The Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France, and the U.K., are all dropping or easing Covid restrictions. Israel is scuttling its “Green Pass,” while The U.K. is dropping mandatory vaccinations for healthcare workers. Sweden will not vaccinate children for Covid-19. The Czech Supreme Court ruled that vaccine passports are illegal. Patrick Wood comments, “This sends a message to the rest of the world that nations and people can survive without dystopian policies to micromanage citizen behavior. Citizens of remaining nations will quickly see that they are being conned by tyrannical leaders.”

2. TEXAS HEARTBEAT BILL SAVES 13,860 BABIES: According to Life Site News, “A new report from the Texas health department confirms the state’s new abortion ban is saving as many as 90 babies from abortions each and every day. With the Texas heartbeat law having been in effect since September 1, that means as many as 13,860 babies have been saved from abortions in Texas.”

3. JOHNS HOPKINS – “LOCKDOWNS SHOULD BE REJECTED”: Johns Hopkins released meta-analysis of 24 international studies entitled, “A Literature Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality.” Researchers stated, “Overall, we conclude that lockdowns are not an effective way of reducing mortality rates during a pandemic, at least not during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results are in line with the World Health Organization Writing Group (2006), who state, ‘Reports from the 1918 influenza pandemic indicate that social-distancing measures did not stop or appear to dramatically reduce transmission.’”

4. SOUTH DAKOTA BANS BIOLOGICAL MALES FROM WOMEN’S SPORTS: South Dakota became the 10th state in the nation to prohibit biological males from competing in women’s sports. Life Site News reports, “The proposal came after conservatives slammed Noem last year for vetoing another sports bill, HB 1217, which she had pledged to sign before reversing herself amid activist and corporate pressure. The governor later issued two executive orders purporting to block men from women’s K-12 and college sports that pro-family groups criticized as largely symbolic.”

5. IOWA ENDS COVID-19 EMERGENCY DECLARATION: Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds is ending the state’s emergency declaration and will shut down and

6. REGIONAL CANADIAN GOVERNMENTS BACK DOWN ON COVID RESTRICTIONS: The Truckers Convoy is causing Canadian leaders to back down. Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe admitted that being vaccinated does not prevent individuals from contracting Covid-19 and said the province will soon end its vaccine certificate. Quebec dropped its plan to impose a “health contribution” on the unvaccinated. Alberta, British Columbia, and Manitoba are considering backing down on Covid restrictions. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms has filed a lawsuit against the Canadian government’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate for air travel.

7. FREEDOM CONVOY INSPIRES SIMILAR MOVEMENTS: Australian truckers are planning a “Convoy to Canberra” to protest the country’s draconian Covid restrictions and vaccine mandates. Zero Hedge notes, “Hundreds of protestors have gathered in front of Australia’s Parliament House in solidarity with the massive Convoy to Ottawa that converged on the Canadian capital around the weekend of January 29.” The New American writes, “A rapidly growing Facebook group called “Convoy to DC 2022” is now calling upon all truckers to join forces against the government overreach in the Land of the Free.”

8. CANADIAN PASTOR DESCRIBES RALLY: Tucker Carlson talked with Canadian trucker and pastor Sheldon Andreas about the truckers convoy (watch here).

ANDREAS: “There’s just been a stifling of freedom and a stifling of unity in Canada for two years. A lot of people are fired. Man, you can’t even go into a grocery store without getting into an argument about a mask or whatnot. Just a wonderful sensation to see unity once again in Canada.”

CARLSON: “It’s beautiful to watch from below your border, I have to say. You’re being snarled at, but you’re smiling back. The government seems to be doing all it can to prevent you from peacefully protesting its fascist policies. Are you worried about the repercussions?”

ANDREAS: “Not at all. I mean, some of my friends have been arrested for pastoring their churches. We’re fully prepared to smile and push through for the greater good. We want to see Christ glorified in the church and out of the church. So, we’re pushing forward, come what may.”

9. OUTPOURING OF SUPPORT FOR CANADIAN TRUCKERS: Over $10 million has been raised on GoFundMe. Elon Musk tweeted, “Canadian truckers rule.” Donald Trump, Jr. stated, “When we push back against the insanity, we can win, and that’s how all this ends…This is a genius idea. We need to see more of this in the U.S.” Ron Paul says, “We’re all Canadian truckers now.

Author and former Royal Canadian Air Force Captain David Skripac said, “Yesterday I stood with friends and colleagues at one of the many highway overpasses in Toronto as we watched a truly historic moment unfold before our tear-filled eyes. Thousands of liberty-loving Canadians from all walks of life were gathered there—as they were throughout the country—in the freezing cold, holding aloft flags and signs to show support for hundreds of courageous transport truck drivers as they passed by us in the Freedom Convoy on the way to our nation’s capital.”

10. TRUCKERS VOW TO STAY: The Defender reports, “Hundreds of truckers and thousands of citizens protesting Canada’s vaccine mandates for truckers remain in Ottawa, vowing to stay until the mandates are lifted.”

11. BLM HALTS FUNDRAISING: The New American reports, “Black Lives Matter has ceased all fundraising following a Washington Examiner investigation that showed that BLM has had no known leader in charge of its $60 million bankroll since its co-founder resigned in May. The fundraising shutdown comes just days after California threatened to hold BLM leaders personally liable over the organization’s lack of transparency concerning finances.”

12. CROATIAN MEP CALLS VACCINE MANDATES “DEATH PENALTY”: Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakuši? courageously declared, “Tens of thousands of citizens have died from the side effects of vaccines. Mandatory vaccinations represent the death penalty and will result in the execution of many citizens.”

13. JOE ROGAN MORE POPULAR THAN JOE BIDEN: An Echelon Insights poll found that podcaster Joe Rogan has a higher approval rating than Joe Biden.

14. NEW IVERMECTIN STUDY CONFIRMS ITS SUCCESS: The Epoch Times reports, “A recently published study indicating the anti-parasitic ivermectin worked well as a prophylactic against the virus that causes COVID-19 should help sway critics of the drug, according to Dr. Pierre Kory, president of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC).”

15. PENNSYLVANIA SUPREME COURT STRIKES DOWN MAIL-IN VOTING: The Gateway Pundit, “A statewide court in Pennsylvania ruled on Friday the expansive two-year-old mail-in voting is unconstitutional.”


Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus by George Duffield

Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Ye soldiers of the cross,
Lift high His royal banner: it must not suffer loss.
From vict’ry unto vict’ry, His army shall He lead,
“Til every foe is vanquished, and Christ is Lord indeed!

Stand up, stand up for Jesus: the trumpet call obey!
Forth to the mighty conflict, in this His glorious day!
Ye that are men now serve Him against unnumbered foes;
Let courage rise with danger, and strength to strength oppose.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus! Stand in His strength alone!
The arm of flesh will fail you, ye dare not trust your own.
Put on the gospel armor, each piece put on with prayer;
Where duty calls or danger, be never wanting there.

Stand up, stand up for Jesus! The strife will not be long.
This day the noise of battle, the next the victor’s song!
To him that overcometh a crown of life shall be:
He with the King of Glory shall reign eternally!

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