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Agenda: Grinding America Down

The following trailer Agenda: Grinding America Down provides an overview of the left’s agenda to turn America into a communist nation. It gives specifics that you will recognize if you have been following the news, even casually, over the past couple of years.

Following the trailer is a link to part of the entire movie by Prophecy in The News. Their version is only 28 minutes long, as opposed to the Epoch Times version which is 91 minutes in length. I could not find that version on YouTube. I am not sure if non members can view the Epoch Times version.

Bowers has two 90 minute videos for sale, Agenda, and Agenda 2.

If you are not current with the topics mentioned in the trailer, I recommend watching it a few times because I think they did a great job mentioning most of the areas wherein the left is at work to undermine the rule of law, corrupt family, deceive people to get their aid in the transformation.

[Lenin called those who unwittingly helped transform Russia to socialism, “useful idiots.” I believe there are many such idiots in America – they obviously don’t believe they will lose their freedom, surrender their property, be coerced to do the bidding of tyrants…].


AGENDA:Grinding America Down (Trailer)


The following 28 minute video is an interview with Curtis bowers by Prophecy in the News. Preceding the video are highlights of its content:



The following link is to the documentary Agenda; I am no sure if non members of Epoch Times will be able to view it. I highly recommend that everyone reading this post subscribe to Epoch Times for a broad variety of news that is not permitted on YouTube and that Big media and social media would not permit on their airwaves. [Agenda and Agenda 2 cost $30 purchased online, free on Epoch Times.]

The following link is to Agenda 2:

I watched Agenda, 90 minutes, and am looking forward to viewing Agenda 2, I just discovered it was available on ET [7-11-21].

CPAC is presently airing live; it has been banned from YouTube; so if you are interested in what this conservative conference is about, you have another reason to subscribe to ET:

Featured Image: captured from trailer

Subscribe to Epoch Times for just $1, after 2 months, your payment method will be automatically charged $9.99 every month, starting on September 11th 2021. You can cancel anytime.

You will receive $30 in free gifts for subscribing, at the following link:




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