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The Power of Looking for the One! [As in Luke 15:4, leaving the 99 to look]

The following video is from the YouTube site: Sea Harp

The following verse is central to a book that David McIver, the speaker in the following video, wrote about witnessing Christ:

Luke 15:4  “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it?

Looking for the One” is a collection of short stories that chronicle the miraculous encounters people have had while searching for the lost. These encounters occur in unlikely places, such as dugouts, kitchens, fishing boats, and grocery stores. It is a testament to the supernatural power of Jesus working through His followers.

When you embark on the journey of seeking “the one,” you will participate in hidden acts that yield eternal results. As an introvert, your actions may include anonymous acts of kindness or heartfelt prayers for those you encounter. Engaging in this pursuit, you become part of supernatural events that will leave you in awe. The stories shared in this book will challenge your faith and prove that Jesus is still transforming lives today.

Furthermore, seeking “the one” allows you to experience the refreshment that comes from doing God’s will. Rather than feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, you will be energized by the knowledge that Jesus is working through you. By revealing the glory of God and making Him known to others, you become an instrument of His divine purpose.

[The above text was excerpted from the narrative that accompanied the video at YouTube, the complete narrative is below the video.]


The Power of Looking for the One!


38 views  May 16, 2023

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Join David McIver, host of Praise Live Radio and a dedicated servant of Jesus Christ, as he shares his personal journey and passion for seeking out “the one.” With years of experience working with Baseball Chapel and a life transformed by Jesus at a young age, David’s mission is to find individuals who need God’s love and salvation.

Inspired by a friend named Tim, who challenged him to seek out one person each day, David embarked on a journey that far surpassed his expectations. What started as a simple endeavor quickly turned into a life-changing pursuit. Tim’s own experience of encountering seven individuals in one day, from helping a stranded motorist to leading others to Christ and offering financial assistance, sparked a crisis within David. He realized the urgency of his mission to search for “the one” and make a tangible impact on people’s lives.

In his new book, “Looking for the One,” David invites you to join him in this transformative pursuit. Shockingly, over 95 percent of Jesus’ followers have never intentionally shared the gospel, according to various surveys. David aims to change that by emphasizing that this endeavor is not a program or method, but rather a journey of walking with Jesus. It’s about allowing Jesus to work through you and experiencing the supernatural power of personal encounters.

Through heartfelt prayers and scriptural references, David highlights the reasons why seeking “the one” is essential. Quoting 2 Peter 3:9, he reminds us that God is patient and desires everyone to repent. In Ezekiel 34, David shares the comforting truth that God Himself searches for His sheep and intends to find them. Drawing from Luke 15, he emphasizes Jesus’ own words, where the Good Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to find the one that is lost. Furthermore, the Great Commission in Matthew 28 and Romans 14 compels believers to share the gospel and spread God’s love to all corners of the earth.

Acknowledging the challenges and failures that many face in evangelism, David reassures us that it’s not about having all the answers or following a rigid system. Instead, he emphasizes the importance of abiding in Jesus. By inviting Jesus to work through us, we become vessels of His love and grace. Citing Ian Thomas, a renowned evangelist, David shares a powerful testimony of how surrendering to Jesus and allowing Him to work through us can lead to extraordinary results.

“Looking for the One” is a collection of short stories that chronicle the miraculous encounters people have had while searching for the lost. These encounters occur in unlikely places, such as dugouts, kitchens, fishing boats, and grocery stores. It is a testament to the supernatural power of Jesus working through His followers.

When you embark on the journey of seeking “the one,” you will participate in hidden acts that yield eternal results. As an introvert, your actions may include anonymous acts of kindness or heartfelt prayers for those you encounter. Engaging in this pursuit, you become part of supernatural events that will leave you in awe. The stories shared in this book will challenge your faith and prove that Jesus is still transforming lives today.

Furthermore, seeking “the one” allows you to experience the refreshment that comes from doing God’s will. Rather than feeling overwhelmed or exhausted, you will be energized by the knowledge that Jesus is working through you. By revealing the glory of God and making Him known to others, you become an instrument of His divine purpose.

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